Cutoff: 24/01/05 Revision: 24/09/26
Actually, analytics didn’t really take off until mostly after that…but couldn’t really find the time to write a post orz
If you are interested in the latest knowledge or would like to participate in the research, please also refer to the following Repo and its Wiki:
Project SEKAI Reverse Engineering (1): File Decryption and Preliminary Static Analysis of APIs
- Analyzing Variant: ColorfulStage 2.4.1 (Google Play US)
1. Decrypt metadata
- Running Il2CppDumper on the apk extracted from
, it can be seen that at leastmetadata
is obfuscated
- Locating the export
;No obfuscation techniques were identified
- Consider directly analysing
string shows
The Il2Cpp metadata loading process can be easily touched from the xref here
(Note: some variables have been renamed)
_BYTE *__fastcall MetadataLoader::LoadMetadataFile(char *a1)
unsigned __int64 v2; // x8
char *v3; // x9
__int64 v4; // x0
_BYTE *v5; // x8
unsigned __int64 v6; // x9
const char *v7; // x0
int v8; // w21
int v9; // w20
_BYTE *mapped_metadata; // x19
__int64 v11; // x8
__int64 v13; // [xsp+0h] [xbp-E0h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v14; // [xsp+8h] [xbp-D8h]
char *v15; // [xsp+10h] [xbp-D0h]
size_t len[2]; // [xsp+30h] [xbp-B0h]
__int64 v17[2]; // [xsp+80h] [xbp-60h] BYREF
char *v18; // [xsp+90h] [xbp-50h]
char *v19; // [xsp+98h] [xbp-48h] BYREF
__int64 v20; // [xsp+A0h] [xbp-40h]
unsigned __int8 v21; // [xsp+A8h] [xbp-38h]
_BYTE v22[15]; // [xsp+A9h] [xbp-37h] BYREF
_BYTE *v23; // [xsp+B8h] [xbp-28h]
v19 = "Metadata";
v20 = 8LL;
v2 = (unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int8)v13 >> 1;
if ( (v13 & 1) != 0 )
v3 = v15;
v3 = (char *)&v13 + 1;
if ( (v13 & 1) != 0 )
v2 = v14;
v17[0] = (__int64)v3;
v17[1] = v2;
sub_173B820(v17, &v19);
if ( (v13 & 1) != 0 )
operator delete(v15);
v4 = strlen(a1);
if ( (v21 & 1) != 0 )
v5 = v23;
v5 = v22;
if ( (v21 & 1) != 0 )
v6 = *(_QWORD *)&v22[7];
v6 = (unsigned __int64)v21 >> 1;
v19 = a1;
v20 = v4;
v13 = (__int64)v5;
v14 = v6;
sub_173B820(&v13, &v19);
if ( (v17[0] & 1) != 0 )
v7 = v18;
v7 = (char *)v17 + 1;
v8 = open(v7, 0);
if ( v8 == -1 )
goto LABEL_25;
if ( fstat(v8, (struct stat *)&v13) == -1 )
goto LABEL_25;
v9 = len[0];
mapped_metadata = mmap(0LL, len[0], 3, 2, v8, 0LL);
if ( mapped_metadata == (_BYTE *)-1LL )
mapped_metadata = 0LL;
if ( v9 >= 1 )
v11 = 0LL;
mapped_metadata[v11] ^= METADATA_KEY[v11 & 0x7F];
while ( v9 != (_DWORD)v11 );
if ( (v17[0] & 1) != 0 )
operator delete(v18);
if ( (v21 & 1) != 0 )
operator delete(v23);
return mapped_metadata;
Compare to Unity’s default implementation ( :
void* MetadataLoader::LoadMetadataFile(const char* fileName)
std::string resourcesDirectory = utils::PathUtils::Combine(utils::Runtime::GetDataDir(), utils::StringView<char>("Metadata"));
std::string resourceFilePath = utils::PathUtils::Combine(resourcesDirectory, utils::StringView<char>(fileName, strlen(fileName)));
int error = 0;
FileHandle* handle = File::Open(resourceFilePath, kFileModeOpen, kFileAccessRead, kFileShareRead, kFileOptionsNone, &error);
if (error != 0)
return NULL;
void* fileBuffer = utils::MemoryMappedFile::Map(handle);
File::Close(handle, &error);
if (error != 0)
fileBuffer = NULL;
return NULL;
return fileBuffer;
This pseudo-code block can be seen to involve an obfuscation process:
if ( v9 >= 1 )
v11 = 0LL;
mapped_metadata[v11] ^= METADATA_KEY[v11 & 0x7F];
while ( v9 != (_DWORD)v11 );
Finally, the decryption script is as follows:
key = bytearray([
0xC3, 0x2B, 0x75, 0xB9, 0xAF, 0x84, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0x2E, 0xFB,
0xBF, 0x6C, 0x63, 0x19, 0x70, 0xE4, 0xF0, 0x92, 0xA3, 0x3E,
0xD1, 0x5C, 0x30, 0x0A, 0xCB, 0x9B, 0x04, 0xF8, 0x16, 0xC7,
0x91, 0x4A, 0x8D, 0xAE, 0xFA, 0xBA, 0x7E, 0x71, 0x65, 0x53,
0xAF, 0x98, 0x2E, 0xC2, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0xA3, 0x81, 0x74, 0xD4,
0xA3, 0x2C, 0x3F, 0xC2, 0x97, 0x66, 0xFB, 0x6B, 0xEE, 0x14,
0x80, 0x43, 0x09, 0x67, 0x69, 0x75, 0xDE, 0xB4, 0x1F, 0xB5,
0x65, 0x7E, 0x2D, 0x50, 0x8E, 0x38, 0x2E, 0x6D, 0x4A, 0x05,
0xF7, 0x82, 0x84, 0x41, 0x23, 0x64, 0x0A, 0xCB, 0x16, 0x93,
0xBE, 0x13, 0x83, 0x50, 0xD2, 0x6C, 0x8F, 0xC7, 0x58, 0x4A,
0xE7, 0xEE, 0x62, 0xBE, 0x6F, 0x25, 0xFE, 0xEF, 0x33, 0x5E,
0x38, 0x8D, 0x21, 0xE8, 0x1C, 0xFE, 0xBE, 0xC7, 0x43, 0x05,
0x6A, 0x13, 0x9D, 0x8B, 0xF6, 0x52, 0xFA, 0xDC
with open('global-metadata.dat','rb') as E:
with open('global-metadata-decrypt.dat','wb') as D:
data = bytearray(
for i in range(0, len(data)):
data[i] ^= key[i & 0x7f]
Dump again after processing, metadata
can be loaded without any problem.
Note: by ERROR: This file may be protected.
, followed by continued processing of
; see below
Attachment Il2CppDumper check flow:
private bool CheckProtection()
if (dynamicSection.Any(x => x.d_tag == DT_INIT))
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: find .init_proc");
return true;
ulong dynstrOffset = MapVATR(dynamicSection.First(x => x.d_tag == DT_STRTAB).d_un);
foreach (var symbol in symbolTable)
var name = ReadStringToNull(dynstrOffset + symbol.st_name);
switch (name)
case "JNI_OnLoad":
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: find JNI_OnLoad");
return true;
if (sectionTable != null && sectionTable.Any(x => x.sh_type == SHT_LOUSER))
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: find SHT_LOUSER section");
return true;
// ignored
return false;
2. Extract
Don’t have a Rooted Android physical machine on hand, so I’ll use WSA here provided a one-stop solution for emulated, root-enabled devices. That’s what I’d be using here.
Dump Runtime
After reading the base address from /proc/[pid]/maps, you can extract it with GameGuardian’s
Repeat the previous steps
It can be noticed that this time there is no ERROR: This file may be protected.
- Patch loaded into IDA,see the Issue
3. Part of Dump’s findings
The obfuscator here is BeeByte; it’s just a name change obfuscation, but it’s still a headache to analyze business logic with these symbols
- Looks like the Class part of the name is still intact.
4. API decryption, first look
Packet grabber: Reqable ,
CA validation can be done at Easy to bypass, not much to say here
- The logic to find the suspected decryption operation is as follows
For the next time you want to use dynamic debugging (i.e. Frida) to get a Key/IV, see also later!
Project SEKAI Reverse Engineering (2): Frida Dynamic Debugging and Fetching API AES KEY/IV
- Analyzing Variant: Project SEKAI 2.6.1 (Google Play Taiwan)
0. Version update
After all, the US database lags by several version numbers…
The version number (2.4.1->2.6.1) has changed after switching to Taiwan, and the metadata
encryption method mentioned in the previous post has also changed.
- Again, pulling a copy of the repaired dump and analyzing it reveals:
- The
load section is no longer globally encrypted and decrypted, as can also be found by observing the binary:
2.4.0 Decrypted metadata
2.6.1 Extra 8 bytes in source metadata
- The loading part of the discrepancy is not big, try to delete 8 bytes to analyze directly
- Stuck on reading string; go to
to check it out
- Sure enough there’s confusion; this part should be in plaintext, whereas the unity example should start with
- The use of metadata by il2cpp in the so does not add an extra step; presumably this part is decrypted in situ at load time
1. Metadata dynamic extraction
- The same
extraction steps as documented in the previous post, so I won’t go into them here.
- Compare the apk to the dumped binary:
Sure enough, the string part is clear; keep dumping!
- Success! Bringing information into ida; and the very dramatic thing is:
The obfuscation is gone.
It’s really a very pro-customer update (I’m sure of it).
2. frida-gadget injection
Injections on WSA hit all sorts of walls, but it’s possible to modify the apk for injection on a physical machine even without a root, via frida-gadget
I’ve tried this before by changing the dex and it didn’t work; picking a .so that will be loaded at runtime to start with:
Note: The target lib has been changed to
, the screenshot has not been updated yet.
Take apktool, package it and sign it to install it on the real phone.
Note: My frida is running on WSL, take the Windows machine’s adb as the backend in the Win/Linux machine configuration respectively as follows
adb.exe -a -P 5555 nodaemon server
- Tested with, no problems found
3. IL2CPP dynamically invokes runtime
Next you can call the runtime stuff directly
- Recalling the above, it looks like the API business logic only adds a set of symmetric encryption (AES128 CBC); the same is true here
as a singleton instanceAPIManager.get_Crypt()
, whoseaesAlgo
is the .NET standardAesManaged
To summarize, simply write a script:
import "frida-il2cpp-bridge";
Il2Cpp.perform(() => {
const game = Il2Cpp.domain.assembly("Assembly-CSharp").image;
const apiManager = game.class("Sekai.APIManager");
Il2Cpp.gc.choose(apiManager).forEach((instance: Il2Cpp.Object) => {
console.log("instance found")
const crypt = instance.method<Il2Cpp.Object>("get_Crypt").invoke();
const aes = crypt.field<Il2Cpp.Object>("aesAlgo");
const key = aes.value.method("get_Key").invoke();
const iv = aes.value.method("get_IV").invoke();
The output is as follows:
- Test Decryption
The test script is as follows:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
def unpad(data):
padding_len = data[-1]
return data[:-padding_len]
def decrypt_aes_cbc(data, key, iv):
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
return unpad(cipher.decrypt(data))
payload = open('payload','rb').read()
key = b"g2fcC0ZczN9MTJ61"
iv = b"msx3IV0i9XE5uYZ1"
plaintext = decrypt_aes_cbc(payload, key, iv)
It’s not clear what the serialization format is, probably protobuf; better to keep investigating in the next post
Project SEKAI Reverse Engineering (3): pjsk API Man-in-the-Middle Attack POC
- Analyzing Variant: Project SEKAI 2.6.1 (Google Play Taiwan)
Here and il2cpp seems to have little to do; the main record of api package hijacking can be used to means
1. Tools
host using,
After installing on victim, import the CA for mitmproxy and reboot to make it the root certificate
Finally, the script used by mitmproxy:
2. Analysis
The previous post guessed that the api’s packet used protobuf; it didn’t, here it is MessagePack
In this way, the data schema and the message are together; no extra digging is needed
Do a poc realtime decryption to json
with mitmproxy and see:
*Yes, messing with this just to see what the MASTER charts looks like… *
The field for the lock MASTER seems to be here; try to modify it directly
def response(self, flow : http.HTTPFlow):
if self.filter(flow):
body = self.log_flow(flow.response.content, flow)
if body:
if 'userMusics' in body:
print('! Intercepted userMusics')
for music in body['userMusics']:
for stat in music['userMusicDifficultyStatuses']:
stat['musicDifficultyStatus'] = 'available'
flow.response.content = sekai_api_encrypt(packb(body))
Fields can be changed, but to no avail: it appears that live will authenticate on the server side
But the live authentication id doesn’t seem to be used in starting live; there’s no secondary reference to the id in the grab bag
Consider the possibility that spectral difficulty selection is only done on the client side. Then modifying the difficulty factor reported to the server might be able to bypass the
def request(self,flow: http.HTTPFlow):
print(flow.request.host_header, flow.request.url)
if self.filter(flow):
body = self.log_flow(flow.request.content, flow)
if body:
if 'musicDifficultyId' in body:
print('! Intercepted Live request')
body['musicDifficultyId'] = 4 # Expert
flow.request.content = sekai_api_encrypt(packb(body))
Starting up again:
Of course, scores will only be reported by EXPERT difficulty
Fewer surprises, no more MITM-related content to follow
Next… Extract the game asset? Before that…
Project SEKAI Reverse Engineering (4): pjsk AssetBundle Anti-Obfuscation + PV Animation Import
- Analyzing Variant: Project SEKAI 2.6.1 (Google Play Taiwan)
1. Data extraction
The pjsk resources are in hot update mode; there will be 3~4G or so in addition to the ontology runtime (**Note: **Variable amount, see next post)
- Trying to extract resources from the local machine
There is no magic UnityFS
, consider the ab file confusing
2. Load flow analysis
- Go to dnSpy and search for assetbundle to find the relevant class.
- Going into ida and looking at the impl, you can easily find the suspect process of loading the ab
- It ends up calling unity’s
directly, andSekai.AssetBundleStream
implements such a Stream:
It may be noted that
flag determines whether or not to perform an anti-obfuscation operation when loading.If yes, skip 4bytes first, then invert 5bytes byte by bit.
Final handover to
for further processing- Notice that
should be 128 andv20
is the read offset
- Notice that
Consider the offset=0 case, then only the first 128 bytes need to be processed
Follow-up to `InvertedBytesAB'
It can be seen that here, i.e. after skipping 4bytes, every 8bytes, invert the first 5bytes
In summary, the decryption process is analyzed; the script is attached:
import sys
import os
def decrypt(infile, outfile):
with open(infile, 'rb') as fin:
magic =
if magic == b'\x10\x00\x00\x00':
with open(outfile,'wb') as fout:
for _ in range(0,128,8):
block = bytearray(
for i in range(5):
block[i] = ~block[i] & 0xff
while (block :=
print('copy %s -> %s', infile, outfile)
with open(outfile,'wb') as fout:
while (block :=
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print('usage: %s <in dir> <out dir>' % sys.argv[0])
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
for fname in files:
file = os.path.join(root,fname)
if (os.path.isfile(file)):
decrypt(file, os.path.join(sys.argv[2], fname))
3. Extraction of resources
- Once the file is processed, you can rely on查看资源了:
- The version number is easy to find though, here it is
- Loading works, as shown:
4. AssetBundleInfo?
Found this file in the data directory along with Sekai_AssetBundleManager__LoadClientAssetBundleInfo
Using the same key and packetized means as the API, unpack it and see
Note: Tools moved to; the internal decryption process is described in the article
python -m sssekai apidecrypt .\AssetBundleInfo .\AssetBundleInfo.json
5. Resource utilization?
- Low number of character models
Guessing that the resources here are being hot loaded; take a look at the mesh that’s already there in blender directly:
There is a problem with the bind pose, which can be solved by fixing the FBX export settings; but let’s not go deeper in that direction for now.
- Also maybe try importing Unity? This can be done by trying the following:
- Drag and drop into Editor
- Note that shader isn’t being pulled out and is being replaced with standard for now
- Separate face/body mesh; need to bind face root bone (Neck) to body (Neck)
using UnityEngine;
public class BoneAttach : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject src;
public GameObject target;
void Start()
void Update()
target.transform.position = src.transform.position;
target.transform.rotation = src.transform.rotation;
target.transform.localScale = src.transform.localScale;
- Notice that the blendshape/morph names don’t match.
Crawling down the issue: the number here is the crc32 of the name (see
- After taking the blendshape name and doing a map fix, the animation key works fine
- Playback with timeline
I don’t know when I’m going to write the afterward, so I’ll paint a few pies for now:
- Resource import Blender + toon shader replica
- Resource Import Foundation
- Download resources for offline use
Project SEKAI Reverse Engineering (5): AssetBundle offline + USM extraction
- Analyzing Variant: Project SEKAI 2.6.1 (Google Play Taiwan)
1. AssetBundleInfo
The AssetBundleInfo
mentioned earlier is extracted from the device; assuming it is a cache of all resources that have been loaded:
- When extracting the file on a device that has just completed the download, the file 4MB
- However, the file found when reproducing the packet capture after initialization is 13MB
curl -X GET '' -H 'Host:' -H 'User-Agent: UnityPlayer/2020.3.32f1 (UnityWebRequest/1.0, libcurl/7.80.0-DEV)' -H 'Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip' -H 'X-Unity-Version: 2020.3.32f1'
- It is assumed that the files on the device are cached repositories, and the ones here are the full set of resources; try dumping them
sssekai apidecrypt .\assetbundleinfo .\assetbundleinfo.json
- Let’s check the body model number
- In addition, the data here will have a few more fields
New database:
"live_pv/model/character/body/21/0001/ladies_s": {
"bundleName": "live_pv/model/character/body/21/0001/ladies_s",
"cacheFileName": "db0ad5ee5cc11c50613e7a9a1abc4c55",
"cacheDirectoryName": "33a2",
"hash": "28b258e96108e44578028d36ec1a1565",
"category": "Live_pv",
"crc": 2544770552,
"fileSize": 588586,
"dependencies": [
"paths": null,
"isBuiltin": false,
"md5Hash": "f9ac19a16b2493fb3f6f0438ada7e269",
"downloadPath": "android1/live_pv/model/character/body/21/0001/ladies_s"
Equipment database:
"live_pv/model/character/body/21/0001/ladies_s": {
"bundleName": "live_pv/model/character/body/21/0001/ladies_s",
"cacheFileName": "db0ad5ee5cc11c50613e7a9a1abc4c55",
"cacheDirectoryName": "33a2",
"hash": "28b258e96108e44578028d36ec1a1565",
"category": "Live_pv",
"crc": 2544770552,
"fileSize": 588586,
"dependencies": [
"paths": null,
"isBuiltin": false,
"md5Hash": "",
"downloadPath": ""
The extra downloadPath
can be utilized, go ahead…
2. CDN?
- After initiating the download, you can grab a bunch of these packages:
curl -X GET '' -H 'Host:' -H 'User-Agent: UnityPlayer/2020.3.32f1 (UnityWebRequest/1.0, libcurl/7.80.0-DEV)' -H 'Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip' -H 'X-Unity-Version: 2020.3.32f1'
The downloadPath
field comes up here; it looks like
` is the root path of AB here
is the cdn, after all
- The cdn address appears to be embedded; in the strings that come out of the dump:
3. Hot Updates Cache
Considering the frequency of pjsk updates, it’s not very efficient to re-download all of the data each time
Doing a local cache is motivated sufficiently; the details will not be covered here, see
Trying to pull the full resource, it looks like it takes 27GB
4. List of documents
- View the distribution in WinDirStat
- Animation Resources:
- VO
Otherwise, it seems to be mostly audio/video files
Uncovering reveals that the packet format is CriWare middleware format (i.e. USM video stream, HCA audio stream)
5. USM extraction
No Magic
Going back to IDA, it looks like the USM resources aren’t pulled directly from the assetbundle; there’s a cache-to-filesystem process in between
- Sure enough, under
there is this file
- And with WannaCri you can just demux, no extra keys!
- Review of USM files in asset
- Using
it is guessed that the source file can be stitched together
Project SEKAI Reverse Engineering (6): Live2D Resources
- Analyzing Variant: Project SEKAI 2.6.1 (Google Play Taiwan)
1. Live2D model
- All live2d resources can be found under
; including models and animations.
First of all, .moc3
, .model3
, and .physics3
resources can be opened directly with Live2D Cubism Editor
And the model material needs to be renamed additionally; this information is in the BuildModelData
- Completion can be imported, the effect is as shown in the figure
2. Animated Key Preprocessing
Unfortunately the animation is not in
formatWhat’s in the package is Unity’s own Animation Clip
When extracting resources, all animated keys can only read the CRC32 hash of the corresponding key string; the export/operation must know the string-hash relationship
- These strings are unknown in files other than
: of course, it’s not practical to collide out the strings; guessing that the strings have something to do with the Live2D parameter
Tried searching to no avail
Luckily the Live2D Unity SDK is available for free and comes with samples!
Remember from the previous article dealing with BlendShape, you can tell that
’s source.anim
will have the source string of path, not crc
Try adding a prefix
can be located; the following describes how to construct a CRC table to complete the crc-string map
3. Moc3 deserialization + CRC hit list
It should be feasible to construct from the
file for each read; however, given the need to import pure animations, it is clear that a constant map is requiredTherefore, it is necessary to be able to read all parameter names in
; see in ImHex:
- The script for extracting parameter names is as follows:
from typing import BinaryIO
from struct import unpack
class moc3:
Parameters : list
Parts: list
def __init__(self, file : BinaryIO) -> None:
# Header: 64 bytes
assert == b'MOC3'
version = unpack('<c',[0]
isBigEndian = unpack('<b',[0]
assert not isBigEndian
# TODO: Other fields
pCountInfo = unpack('<I',[0]
numParts = unpack('<I',[0], 1)
numParameters = unpack('<I',[0]
pParts = unpack('<I',[0]
pParameters = unpack('<I',[0]
def read_strings(offset, count):
for i in range(0,count): + i * 0x40)
buffer = bytearray()
while b :=[0]:
yield buffer.decode(encoding='utf-8')
self.Parts = list(read_strings(pParts,numParts))
self.Parameters = list(read_strings(pParameters,numParameters))
- After that, constructing the CRC table is simple
from io import BytesIO
from sssekai.unity.AssetBundle import load_assetbundle
from sssekai.fmt.moc3 import moc3
import sys, os
from UnityPy.enums import ClassIDType
ParameterNames = set()
PartNames = set()
tree = os.walk(sys.argv[1])
for root, dirs, files in tree:
for fname in files:
file = os.path.join(root,fname)
with open(file,'rb') as f:
env = load_assetbundle(f)
for obj in env.objects:
if obj.type == ClassIDType.TextAsset:
data =
out_name : str =
if out_name.endswith('.moc3'):
moc = moc3(BytesIO(data.script.tobytes()))
for name in moc.Parameters:
for name in moc.Parts:
from zlib import crc32
print('NAMES_CRC_TBL = {')
for name in sorted(list(PartNames)):
fullpath = 'Parts/' + name
print(' %d:"%s",' % (crc32(fullpath.encode('utf-8')), fullpath))
for name in sorted(list(ParameterNames)):
fullpath = 'Parameters/' + name
print(' %d:"%s",' % (crc32(fullpath.encode('utf-8')), fullpath))
- The export results are as follows:
4. AnimationClip Conversion
Live2D has its own private animation format motion3
, fortunately UnityLive2DExtractor has done quite a bit of parsing to implement this for reference
Due to the discrepancies in the details described above, the conversion of PJSK cannot be done directly using this tool.
Solely reproduced at sssekai; details very tedious, again not much to say; see also the source code if you’re interested
- Usage example: will transform all found
sssekai live2dextract c:\Users\mos9527\.sssekai\abcache\live2d\motion\21miku_motion_base .
- The effect is as shown in the picture.
Project SEKAI Reverse Engineering (7): 3D Modeling
1. Structure of the document
- The 3D models found so far are basically under
[ab cache]/live_pv/model/
Preliminary Observations:
- (1) Body is the target model; of course, as a skinned mesh and with blend shapes, there is a lot of detail to deal with; more on that later!
- (2) The
is presumably a collision box based on its name - (3) Several
s are used as texture maps
2. Model collection
The process of obtaining data using sssekai
is described in (5) and will not be repeated here.
First organize the data requirements found based on mesh
- (1) Static Mesh
All meshes found by pjsk will have 1 or more GameObject
refs in the corresponding assetbundle; for these refs, the static mesh will appear in the m_MeshRenderer
Other details aside; because doing a Skinned Mesh import is all stuff we have to deal with
- (2) Skinned Mesh
Unlike static mesh, these refs appear in the m_SkinnedMeshRenderer
Also, we will need information about the bone structure; in addition to the bone weight, we will also need the bone path (which will be used for reverse hash later) and the transformation
(3) Blend Shapes
These can appear in static/skinned mesh; if they do, we will also need the hash of the blend shape name for the same reason as the bone path
Plus, Unity exists aseetbundle in which the animation path is also all crc, blendshape is not the exception
(1) So for static mesh, just collect the
(2) For skinned mesh, it is also necessary to construct a bone hierarchy (which is a single rooted directed acyclic graph) and organize the vertex weights;
Instead, all that needs to be collected is the bone’s transform; the transform has the child/parent node information, as well as the ref of the
that owns the transform.(3) of the data in (1)(2) will both have the
3. Model import
Of course, the conversion of the model to an intermediate format is not considered here (i.e. FBX,GLTF)
With Blender Python, it’s possible to write an importer directly to these clips
There are a few noteworthy aspects of the implementation details:
Unity reads the mesh as a triangle list
Blender uses a right-handed system, Unity/Direct3D use a left-handed system
Coordinate System | Forward | Up | Left |
Unity | Z | Y | X |
Blender | -Y | Z | -X |
means that the following transformations are needed for vectors
$\vec{V_{blender}}(X,Y,Z) = \vec(-V_{unity}.X,-V_{unity}.Z,V_{unity}.Y)$
For the XYZ part of the quaternion
$\vec{Q_{blender}}(W,X,Y,Z) = \overline{\vec(V_{unity}.W,-V_{unity}.X,-V_{unity}.Z,V_{unity}.Y)}$
Unity stores vector type data which may be read as 2,3,4 or other number of floats, whereas vectors are not additionally packetized and need to be read from a flat float array.
Meaning it needs to be handled like this
vtxFloats = int(len(data.m_Vertices) / data.m_VertexCount) vert = data.m_Vertices[vtx * vtxFloats], # x,y,z data.m_Vertices[vtx * vtxFloats + 1], data.m_Vertices[vtx * vtxFloats + 2] ))
Hmm. Here the
could be $4$. Although the $w$ term is not usedFor BlendShape, blender doesn’t support modifying normals or uv’s with them; this information can only be thrown away
Blender’s BlendShape name can’t be more than 64 characters or the name will be truncated
For the bone, they will be rendered as
; but in the model (and animation files), they will only be stored as a hash of the full path of these **transforms in theScene
**Then, Blender’s Vertex Group (bone weight group) likewise can’t have 64+ long names
For vertex color, blender’s
layer is deprecated in 4.0; however, it can be placed in Color Attributes.
Note: A small feature in Blender that helps a lot in writing scripts
4. Shaders!
After Texture2D
and other meta information is imported, the next step is to make the shader
- Texture resources on hand are listed below:
Base Color Map, nothing to it
Shadowed Color Map (wild guess)
Threshold Map commonly used in NPR rendering; to save performance (and detail quality), the engine may not draw a true Shadow Map
You’ll see this logic in many NPR Shaders:
if (dot(N, L) > threshold) { diffuse = Sample(ColorMap, uv); } else { diffuse = Sample(ShadowColorMap, uv); }
I.e., NdotL is thresholded, with the original map used for bright light (larger NdotL) and the shadow map used for dark light/unable to illuminate (smaller or negative NdotL)
Hightlight Map
Note thatFormat
is for some reason an uncompressedRGB565
; at the same time, the $R$-channel is always $0$, the $B$-channel is always $132$, and only the G-channel has any meaningful information- UPD (20240907): Corrected, $R$ channel defines skin color, $B$ defines NPR shadow threshold, and $G$ channel marks highlights.
- UPD (20240907): Meanwhile, after the third anniversary (JP) update, the $a$-channel specifies glossiness
Vertex Color
- It’s not texture map, but it would fit in here quite well
Only the RG channel has information here, guess:
The $R$ channel decides whether to accept the stroke
The $G$ channel determines the high light intensity
5. Shader implementation
- Shadow / Diffuse
Note: BSDF should be Diffuse BSDF, screenshot not yet updated
What is implemented here is the threshold shading described above, without further ado
- Specular
Directly using the output of Specular BSDF and the previously mentioned weight, mix to the output is sufficient
- Emissive
Superimposed with the $G$ channel of the _H
material, node as in the picture
At this point the Shader part of the introduction is complete, the effect is shown in Figure
6. Stroke
The game uses the classic shell shading technique
- Details to reproduce the effect as shown if… (PV: 愛して愛して愛して愛して))
- It can be seen that the $1$ region has a distinct stroke while the $2$ region does not, observe vertex color:
This is consistent with the previous guess made about the stroke; the $R$ value determines whether or not the stroke is made
Obviously it’s easy to achieve this effect in Blender using Geometry Node
References 👈 The plugin is here